Step 2: The Import Reviews pop-up will appear.
Here's the meaning of each option:
Ali Express Import/Amazon Import: Select Ali Express Import if you are importing from AliExpress. Select Amazon Import if you are importing from Amazon.
Product URL: Enter the AliExpress or Amazon Produt URL here.
Should Have Images Checkbox: If you check this box, only the reviews containing images will be imported
Auto Translate Reviews: All the reviews will be auto-translated into the lang
Don't import reviews I deleted: If you have already imported reviews using the same link before and deleted some of them, checking this box will skip importing those reviews.
Number of Reviews: Specify how many reviews you want to import
Country: If you want to import a review from a specific country, you can select from the dropdown
Minimum Stars: You can select the star rating for which you want to import the reviews.
To import, specify the options and click Import. The reviews will be imported to the product.
Things to do if the import steps fail
Inform the customer that you need to engage the development team for assistance. The development team might need collaborator access to the store and they will get back to the customer over email. Gracefully end the live chat.
Send an email to with the issue description and the chat transcript.
The subject line should be: AliReviews - Review Import Failure - <shop name>