Step 1: To add review stars to a collection on ANY other page, go to Online Store - Themes - Customize
Step 2: Check for a 'Featured Collection' on the page
Step 3: Click on it and then check which collection is being displayed. Here the collection name is 'Y Mucho Mas'
Step 4: Click on Add Section and add the AliReviews Collection block.
Step 5: Now click on the Collection block and select the same collection you found in Step 3, in this example, it is 'Y Mucho Mas'
Once done, the eview stars will be added to the collection as shown in the screenshot below:
Things to do if the above steps fail
Sometimes, the 'section' option won't be visible or even after adding the AliReviews Collection, the review stars won't be visible.
1. Inform the customer that you need to engage the development team for assistance. The development team might need collaborator access to the store and they will get back to the customer over email. Gracefully end the live chat.
2. Send an email to with the issue description and the chat transcript.
The subject line should be: AliReviews - Collection Stars Not Visible - <shop name>