This app cannot be used to tag products on Instagram - If a customer asks this please let me know that this is not how the app works.
Now Customers can tag Multiple products on a post.
Step to tag products to the Instagram Feed Widget:
Step 1: From your Shopify Admin, click on Apps and then click on the InstaFeed: Instagram Gallery app.
Step 2: On the app's dashboard, click on any image on the feed for which you want to tag products.
Step 3: The image will enlarge. Click on Update Product
Step 4: Search for the product that you want to add, select it from the dropdown. You should be able to see the product's name. Click Save to save the changes.
Step 5: Your product is now tagged to the image with the Shop Now button.
Things to do if the above steps fail
1. Inform the customer that there seems to be an issue and that you need to engage the development team. Inform them that you will follow up over email once the issue has been resolved. Gracefully end the live chat.
2. Send an email to with the issue description and the chat transcript.
The subject line should be: InstaFeed - Product Tagging - <shop name>